23 July 2015

Tabel Perolehan Medali Berdasarkan 10 Besar Negara Pada Olimpiade 2012 di London

Mari kita lanjutkan kembali belajar menganalisa sebuah tabel dalam bahasa inggris, berikut ini adalah tabel perolehan medali dari 10 besar negara pada perhelatan Olimpiade 2012 di ibu kota London, Inggris. Mari kita mulai dengan segera pembahasan mengenai tabel peroleh medali disamping ini.

The table gives us informations about medals achievement gained during 2012 Olympic Games in London by the top ten countries.

Overall, 46 Gold medals drove United States ranked 1st in leaderboard and led the total medals achievement which took up the highest number (104) of top ten countries medals. In contrast, Australia only made around one-third compared to total medals of United States achievement.

Only two-fifths countries gained more than 50 medals in total consist of United States, China, Great Britain and Russia. Meanwhile, South Korea had bigger Gold Medals compared to others 5 countries and it drove South Korea ranked 5th although medals achievement in total had lower than Germany, France, Hungary and Australia.

In general, based on the evidence above, europe country dominated the top ten of 2012 Olympic Games.

The table below shows the number of medals won by the top ten countries in the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

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