16 March 2011

Special Beautiful Umbrella From Tasikmalaya

        In common, umbrellas usually used to protect the user from rain and the sun light. However, in Tasikmalaya, there are many special umbrella which are used to enchance the confidence of Tasikmalaya young girls. As we know, sundanese girls are very well-known in their beauty. Actually, it because of sundanese girls always pay attention in their appearence. One of the atribbute that are always used in Tasikmalaya namely payung geulis (it common call for beautifull umbrella in sunda language). What a beautifull girls of sundanese !!! i think many people will say that expression when they meet the sundanese girls.
      But now, unfortunately the beautifull umbrella atrributes are not used anymore in the daily life, It started about 1970 year ago, when the japanese umbrella which is made in plastic attack the umbrella market in Indonesia. Gradually, it replace the used of payung geulis (beautifull umbrellas) in Tasikmalaya. Nowdays, we can find the payung geulis ( beautifull umbrellas) only in traditional ceremony such as wedding, parting etc.
         There is my friend who asked me about the difference betwen payung geulis and the umbrella which origin from China. Well, actually there are similiarity between the umbrella, but we can distinguish from the motif, theme, the shape of payung geulis which is more thick, the top of the  payung geulis is more sharp with the leaf motif. Below is the example of payung geulis from Tasikmalaya. 
        The Tasikmalaya government strive to revive the glory of payung geulis, especially in West Java. As i know, just 5 craftsmen umbrella left in Tasikmalaya.One of the government planning among other things by using dance, yah i mean that the governement will revive the payung geulis dance to attract people hence they will be interested in payung geulis. And the government will help to promote this special umbrella. I hope it will not extinct. Hurip Payung Geulis, wish ur glory come back!!!!


  1. wah cantik banget ya payungnya... ilike this...

  2. di tasikmalaya memang banyak berbagai macam kerajinan, seperti payung geulis, kelom geulis dan masih banyak lagi,,,saya bangga menjadi orang tasik,,

  3. perkenalkan kebudayaan kita dan kerajinannya kepada luar negeri pasti mereka tertarik dan menyukai produk indonesia,

  4. kerajinan yang sangat menarik dan keren ,,,payung geulis udah mencapai keluar negeri,,

  5. payung geulis yang bagus kerajina tasikmalaya jawa barat,,

  6. long live to Indonesia craftsmen... they are great... it is them that rides Indonesia to the world..., not the bosses that count only money... no them... Aku cinta produk Indonesia...

  7. payung geulis memang ciri khas kota tasik.
    bnyak bgt kreatifitasnya,.

  8. payung geulis hasil karya orang tasik yang sangat kreativ,,,

  9. payung geulis memang is the best dan pemasarannya udah mencapai luar negeri,,

  10. beautiful umbrellas ciri khas kerajinan tasikmalaya

  11. memang cantik dan menarik payungnya,.

  12. Amazing photographs! The color is very rich.

  13. saya bangga tinggal di kota tasik, bgtu bnyak keunikannya.
    termasuk payung geulis ini yang udah go internasional..

  14. wih payung geulis nie....
    keren bngt nie....
    sukses slalu y...

  15. cantikk memang payung geulis ini.
    saya bangga dengan kota tasik yang memang krativitasnya cukup bagus untuk bersaing.

  16. mari kita turut lestarikan berbagai macam budaya dari nenek moyang kita, jangan sampai apa yang mereka ciptakan diakui dan di banggakan oleh negara lainn..

  17. payung geulis ...
    ccantik pisant euyy

  18. cantikk payungnya.
    tapi sayang di liat dari gambarnya kebanyakan para pengrajinnya orang tua,,

  19. hebat bgt para pengrajinnya,,
    kreatif ..

  20. keren bnget.....
    semoga kerajinan nie makin sukses saja

  21. pengrajin tasikmalaya memang ok bngt nie.....
    sukses Terus!!!

  22. kerajinan payung geulis memang keren.....
    sukses to payung geulis

  23. weh weh weh.... saya bangga menjadi ank tasikmalaya... haha

  24. waduh, bahasa linggis ya? te ngartos!

  25. sae kang,,perkenalkan budaya kita dengan bahasa asing

  26. mudah mudahan budaya kita bisa terkenal juga ya di luar negeri,,,

  27. That is a Very Special Umbrella!!

  28. foto2 payung nya ngambil dr mana rasanya saya kenal siapa yg motret2 payung itu

  29. cantik skali payungnya. . .
    mari perkenalkan budaya kita kpda Luar Negeri. . .

  30. Wiihh bgus sekali payung geulisnya...!!!

  31. payungnya bagus nih, yang pake juga.. :)
