30 June 2015

Tingkat Kelulusan Siswa SMA Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin dan Mata Pelajaran Periode 2010 - 2011

Nah, belajar menganalisa kembali ah dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris untuk diagram batang berikut biar semakin mahir menulis dan analisa semakin tajam hahaha. Jad kebetulan dapat sebuah data tingkat kelulusan anak SMA berdasrkan Jenis Kelamin dan Mata Pelajaran Perode 2010-2011 ini. Untuk jenis kelamin dibagi kedalam 2 kelompok yaitu laki-laki dan perempuan. Sedangkan untuk mata pelajaran terbagi menjadi beberapa mata pelajaran seperti fisika, kimia, sejarah, geografi, bahasa asing, matematika, dan komputer.

The graph show the percentages of boys and girls who were successful in their high school competency exams in period of 2010 to 2011 by subject.

Overall, students of both sexes did best in computer science, mathematics, and foreign languages including French, German, and Spanish. Results for boys and girls were roughly equivalent in Computer Science and Mathematics. In other subjects, however, there were some significant differences.

Girls achieved by far their best results in Computer Science, with a pass rate of 56.3%, which was around 14% higher than the boys. The difference was even greater in Chemistry, where more than 16% more girls passed. The only subject where boys results were better than girls was Geography where they achieved a pass rate of 30.4%, which was 10% higher than the results for girls.

In general, we can say that during the period in question girls performed better in most subjects in the competency exams than boys.

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