03 February 2011

South Beach of Tasikmalaya

Cipatujah Beach
         Namely Cipatujah Beach, in spite of the name doesn't as big as Pangandaran Beach in south of Ciamis, the panorama of Cipatujah is inevitble. Cipatujah beach is a craggy coast that is reach in coral-reef. Hence, most of fishes come to the beach for laying and breed. According to the statistic data, the Cipatujah Beach is the widest and longest beach in the south coast region. Besides that, it has an iron sand therefore it is good for sunbathing and doing any other beach recreational. And then, what is the best things of Cipatujah beach? well, actually the beauty of Cipatujah Beach seen from the fusion of a sloping beach, the big of sea wave, lush coconut plantation and a vast expanse of the grass. One of the unique things of Cipatujah people is they are used to herding buffalo at the beach. As we know that Cipatujah is also well-known for buffalo ranch. As a tourist, we can rent that buffalo to ride. Sometimes, there is a buffalo race that is held in Cipatujah beach to attract tourist come. For you who is interesting in fishing, you can also go to the estaury of Cipatujah river to fishing, there is a lot of fish there.
Buffalo Race

Cipatujah Beach
        Cipatujah Beach located in south of the Tasikmalaya Town, exactly in the Cipatujah village subdistrict of Cipatujah Tasikmalaya regency. A distance less than 74 km from Tasiekmalaya town, or about 179 km from Bandung city with aroute Rajapolah - Ciawi - Tasikmalaya- Sukaraja - Cibalong - Karangnunggal - Batununggal- and finally Cipatujah.

Cipatujah Beach

Cipatujah Beach

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